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SolidBac® Pinkeye IR/PR

Moraxella Bovis Bacterin

For the vaccination of healthy cattle as an aid in the prevention and control of pinkeye (infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis) caused by Moraxella bovis. SolidBac® Pinkeye IR/PR makes vaccination against pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovis an easy, one-step process.  SolidBac Pinkeye IR/PR combines two, tiny antigen pellets -- an Immediate Release (IR) pellet and a Programmed Release (PR) pellet – and delivers them simultaneously using the SoliDoser® applicator.

Each channel of a 10-dose plastic clip contains a color-coded, dual-dose pelleted product. Using the SoliDoser® device, two tiny pellets are administered subcutaneously in the base of the ear or in the neck.

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  • Uses

    SolidBac Pinkeye IR/PR is for the vaccination of healthy cattle as an aid in prevention and control of pinkeye (infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis) caused by Moraxella bovis .

    Key Features

    • Season-Long Protection: For the best protection, vaccinate in the spring prior to the beginning of the fly season.  The patented technology helps provide protection with the Immediate Release (IR) antigen pellet which is boostered automatically by the Programmed Release (PR) antigen pellet.  The result is solid, season-long pinkeye protection with just one administration.
    • Broad Spectrum Protection: Contains 8 different isolates of the pinkeye causing Moraxella bovis bacteria.
    • Demonstrated in a recent challenge study to help prevent pinkeye in more than 90% of vaccinates.1
    • Demonstrated in a recent challenge study to aid in reducing pinkeye damage by more than 96%, 6 days post-challenge.
    • Includes dual phase Q and I pilus antigens
      • The strains of Moraxella bovis that cause pinkeye have hair-like projections called pili that allow the bacteria to attach to the surface of the eye
      • The Q pilus is responsible for initial attachment
      • The I pilus allows for local persistence and maintenance of an established infection
      • Bacterins with the Q and I pili help prevent attachment and maintenance of the pinkeye bacteria to the surface of the eye
    • Self-boostering
      •  The patented SoliDose technology, helps provide protection with the Immediate Release (IR) antigen pellet and the Programmed Release (PR) antigen pellet automatically boosters the immune response to the IR pellet
      • The result — helps provide 2-dose pinkeye protection with 1-dose convenience 

    • Each channel of a 10-dose plastic clip contains a color-coded, dual-dose pelleted product.  Using the SoliDoser device, two tiny pellets are administered under the skin at the base of the ear or in the neck.  The pink Immediate Release (IR) antigen pellet provides the initial dose.  The white Programmed Release (PR) antigen pellet provides an automatic booster dose.
      • Aids in the prevention and control of pinkeye (infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis) caused by Moraxella bovis with just one application
      • Initial and booster doses are administered at the same time, resulting in less labor and reduced animal stress.
      • No waste: Doses are pre-measured
      • No mixing or spillage: Comes ready-to-use
      • Flexible injection site locations: Subcutaneous in the base of the ear or in the neck

    1 Data on file, Zoetis Inc.

  • Safe

    • Low endotoxin: Proprietary endotoxin reducing technology results in a pinkeye bacterin with low free-endotoxin levels.
    • Tissue friendly: Low subcutaneous dose in the base of the ear or in the neck
    • Small needle diameter means less injection site trauma
    • No warnings about injection site reactions on the label, unlike some other popular pinkeye vaccines


    Store at 2° - 7° C (35° - 45° F). Disinfect and dry needle between doses. Use entire contents when first opened. Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter. Preservative: Gentamicin. Administer epinephrine if allergic reaction occurs.

    For Cattle Use Only.




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